In Memoriam
William R. Brandt III
March 16, 1949 - September 12, 2006
Best Friend and Neighbor

The top 21 reasons those who knew him will always remember Bill

(Thanks to his son Billy Brandt for developing this list to help us always remember Bill)

21 - "Punch a couple in the jukebox."
20 - "Popcorn anyone?"
19 - "Where's my toothpick?"
18 - His sandals - one strap on the heel and the other one underneath.
17 - "This is the best corn-on-the-cob I've had today."
16 - The ability to fall asleep on any chair or any couch at anyone's house.
15 - Bill and Billy sleeping at a wedding reception.
14 - "Don't let the small things get to you."
13 - The things he would add to the basement that Billy and Kelly would notice and then tell Linda to come see what he's done now.
12 - "It's 12 o'clock somewhere, somebody get me a draft."
11 - "Where's my remolt?"
10 - "Billy gets away with everything I used to get in trouble with."
9 - "I'm a thousand miles from nowhere" Bill stayed up until 3:00 AM to see who sang this so he could put it on the jukebox.
8 - Laughing hysterically at jokes he told that nobody got. "Who's that guy up on stage with Gus?"
7 - Billy and Kelly riding in the car with Bill and Linda, saying they were thirsty and Bill not stopping to get them something to drink, but telling them to bite on their tongues to get some spit.
6 - Playing pool in the basement and telling Matt, "Slick, I'm going to kick your ass."
5 - "George Grand and Chris Welsch never shut up."
4 - "Go get us a beer before the Warden gets back."
3 - When he bought the Caddy - "Pimpin' ain't easy."
2 - Late at night the day after Thanksgiving standing at the stove in his underwear making a turkey sandwich - "This shit only comes around onest a year."
1 - "I ain't watchin' no movie what's can't never happen."


Bill and Gabe at a car show with Bill's '72 Monte Carlo.


Bill and I sitting on his front porch, watching life go by.


Bill's "Pimp-Mobile".


The Every-Other-Friday Night Poker Crew.


Bill's pride, his 1972 Monte Carlo.

Slick, we're gonna miss ya!